Real Time - Real Contact - Real Joy

Uplifting activities for face-to-face contact as a springboard to real time relationships

Monday, March 23, 2009

Look and Lift

Carmichael Family Evening invited President Greer of the Sacramento temple presidency to speak Monday night. The Spirit was strong and the personal relationship between many of those present went back many years. Story after story of uplifting personal experiences gave a strong message that our Father in Heaven knows each one of us and our talents and missions. He had a tender heart for the sisters and their giving spirit. His expressions of love for his wife are tender. Their combined faith in Jesus Christ led to a healing miracle. Without notes, filled with the Spirit, he lifted our lives. His comment “I am only a heart beat away from being in the same place as you are” referring to being a single adult, gave each member a reassurance he understood. President's over riding message was to look around and lift others spirits. He practices what he preaches. We will all look forward to his return speaking engagement in April.

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